January 25, 2025

Czech Government Approved the Purchase of Wheeled Armored Vehicles PANDUR


Government at its meeting today approved the implementation of a public contract for the acquisition of 20 wheeled armored vehicles PANDUR. Specifically, it will be the purchase of 6 pieces of wheeled armored vehicles, command-staff and 14 pieces of wheeled armored vehicles connecting to the landing platform PANDUR II 8×8 including the related logistics support and training.

Procurement will be the Department of Defense (MoD) to implement over the years 2018 to 2020. The estimated total value reached 1.274 billion. CZK, including VAT, with the financial benefits will be spread over each year of the contract.

“This is one of the key priorities in the supplement arsenal of combat core of our army, namely headquarters and battalions 4th Rapid Deployment Brigade. Compared to earlier expectations, the contract will be more convenient for command-staff vehicles, we expect savings in one vehicle 20 million crowns for connecting vehicles, 14 million crowns, “he said after a government meeting Defense Minister Martin Stropnický.

“The acquisition and the introduction of command-staff and connecting wheeled armored vehicles will significantly enhance the ability of the Army of the Czech Republic (ACR). Modern means of ensuring the necessary protection of crews and the necessary deployable communications and information systems are crucial for successful implementation of tasks on the contemporary battlefield,” he said in connection with the planned acquisition of the Chief of General Staff Lieutenant General Joseph Bečvář.

Compared to 2006, it should save 316 million

When comparing the prices offered vehicles PANDUR in the above modifications within the contract which was signed in 2006 (from which the MoD in 2007, resigned and then in 2009 signed a new contract, part of which has already been release in command-staff and a tie) with a projected cost of vehicles according to current requirements, compared to the prices of 2006 with the same number of vehicles should be within the framework of this contract achieved savings of about 316 million CZK including VAT.

Public contract will be awarded by the end of this year using a general exemption from the Public Procurement Act in a manner similar rules of procedure without publication of a tenderer, which the company Excalibur Army, spol. s ro The reason for this method of awarding the contract is the fact that Excalibur Army is under a licensing agreement concluded with General Dynamics European Land Systems – Steyr GmbH, the exclusive producer and marketer PANDUR II 8×8 vehicles for the Czech Republic.

SOURCE: Czech Minister for Defence; issued August 20, 2015

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